Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Hanabi season

It's currently firework season in Tokyo. Good time to get to see some really nice pyrotechnical art, like this one in Tokyo bay last week - 1,5 hours constantly impressing fireworks.

Lots of people love fireworks in Japan and the streets are crowded with people in the areas of Tokyo that has a firework festival. Streets get blocked by all the people and it seems quite ok to bring picnic food and can beers and enjoy it in the middle of the streets or in a back alley, wherever you can find a spot with free sight to the sky.

A "planet" and a smiley, unfortenately up side down.

Just a cool firework

A heart, also up side down

Another smiley, up side down

Saturday, 2 August 2008


A friendly horse we met on the bicycle tour.


Today we continued to the beautiful area around Saroma lake (Saromako). Despite the not so good weather we rent bicycles and went on a tour along the lake in the nice green nature. The weather has now gone from not so good to rain and storm and we are spending the afternoon inside the tent (it was quite an adventure to rise it).

The hunt for Moby Dick

Yesterday, on the third day of our five day trip driving in Hokkaido, we went out on whale watching. Unfortenately we couldn't see any whales, only the back of a few dolphins (for some reason they didn't do all those tricks jumping around as the dolphins do in the movies). The nature and the climate in Hokkaido is very similar to Sweden and we enjoy to drive around here and stay in tent at different campings. As all part of Japan Hokkaido have their speciality when it comes to cooking and here potato is very common. And now I'm just about to try waffles made on potatoes, "raggmunksvÄffla"?