Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sad goodbye

After one year and many nice trips to the mountains and surroundings of Tokyo we have now taken farewell of the motorcycle a.k.a. "the black". It was a quick process of just calling an agency to come and pick it up right outside the house and getting money directly in the hand. The amount of yen was however a lot less than we expected and even more disappointing when the man in a truly japanese honest manner admitted that the bike was in a very good condition and that he only paid us about 35% of what the price will be when they sell it in the store. However a quick check told us that the price would be roughly the same when selling to any store in Tokyo and selling a motorcycle private in Japan is too much hassle to be worth the effort so we let it go anyway. Kai indicated that he was not happy at all about this decision so I had to promise him that we will get another motorcycle (bigger of course) as soon as he grow up a little.