Sunday, 9 August 2009

Tokyo bay fireworks

Yesterday it was time for Tokyo bay fireworks again. We decided to go and to try to get there in time to get a seat close to the launching area. Together with many thousands of other people we squeezed in on an area close to the bay dedicated for watching the fireworks. It was a hassle to get in there and especially to get out, but it was well worth the effort. Again we could see an amazing light show and this time from close enough distance to feel the vibration in the body from the largest rockets exploding.

Some photos below and more in the webalbum, you can find a link from the right hand side column or here. All the photos are taken with a 50mm fixed lens (no zoom), so the photos of the fireworks with no background are not zoomed in, just too big to fit in in a photo with background without using a wide angle lens.

Tomorrow the one and a half week summer holiday is over and it's back to work again. Luckily there are some national holidays coming up again soon and still I have some 30 days holidays to use this year. It's so warm and humid now in Tokyo so the idea of spending the days in an air conditioned office is not so bad, just the work part of it...

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