Today we finally got ourselves to a beach. It has been a few weeks with warm weather but it's like I just keep thinking how nice it would be to go to the sea but we never get to it. The last summer I kept complaining that the sad thing about Tokyo is that it's so far to go to a beach, and we only went once in the whole summer. Today I realised it's only 50 min by train from our house to the beach in Kamakura so it's not so bad after all. It was a fun day and I kept trying to body surf in the quite high waves. Until the next time I'm thinking about buying a body board, a lot of people using them today and looked like lots of fun.
The beach in Kamakura is quite long. Closest to the water the sand is i bit hard but further up it's pretty good. All along the beach there are bars and restaurants and even some small concert halls. Today we stumbled in to a Jamaican reggae concert by accident. Concidering that we were walking on a beach in the middle of the day it was a bit surprising - but fun.
Back home I noticed to no suprise that I'm just as red as always after the first day on the beach.
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