Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Summer time and BBQ

Summer is approaching and now temperature is normally around tirty degrees and humidity around 75%. The warmest period is yet to come though.

With summer comes the traditional BBQ season in Japan and last weekend we had our first big BBQ party with the team from work. Despite alarming weather reports showing thunderstorms the days before it was a very nice day by the sea at Nojima park, approx. 30 mins south of Yokohama.

Some of the people in the happy group of around 20 people from the team with friends that joined the BBQ.

The grill was constantly loaded with good stuff like chicken, lamb, shrimp, squid, veggies etc. After using up all 10kg of char coal we had to go get more to be able to finish all food!

The group that stayed till the end.

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